Thursday, November 12, 2015

The House and Yard!

As promised, here are some pictures of the brand new yard (I love love love you infinity Andrew) and the house!  Our house doesn't usually look this clean, FYI.  I just happened to tidy and vacuum last night and was able to hustle the boys into their boosters and highchairs right away so it stayed that way through breakfast.  10 minutes after the pictures, it was it's normal mess!  Just the way we like it :)  Speaking of like...
We love our little house!  I call it the Bungalow because it is so open and has lots of windows and feels light and fresh!  You can see straight through the house from the front yard to the back because of the open layout and windows.  It is comfortable and perfect :)  We miss miss miss living behind my parents though...  :(  We will always cherish those years! 

Beautiful green yard!
Family Room

Other side

Family room is next to the kitchen, with a nice cut out so I can see right into the backyard from the kitchen


Breakfast area, with the well-behaved children I paid to come make the house look more homey

Laundry Room

Hall right off the family room leads to the rest of the house

Toy room

Kid/guest bathroom (yeah right, we don't let guests in there; we're potty training remember?)

The Blue Room, aka the boy's room
3 steps to the Master bedroom

That's it!  We stash all our storage under beds and in whatever closet has a spare corner.  But we fit perfectly :)

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Ok, summer lasted a little longer...

Hope you all had a great Halloween!  We certainly did!  Can you guess who we are? 

We thought summer was over but temps stayed up and it lasted a little longer!  Swimming, sun, heat...  Can't get enough of it around here I guess... Heh heh...  **Remember to click on the pictures if you want to see them a little bigger!

It has finally started cooling off a little though.  This has become ideal grass growing weather and we are putting down sod TOMORROW morning!  Yay!  After a ton of hard work by Andrew, we are getting grass!  He has been amazing, keeping up on his job during the day and then coming home to slave labor.  Though sometimes he has help :)
 But he still does amazing lessons and takes his job so seriously.  He is really making a difference in those kids' lives!  Here are some of his amazing drawings for his lessons!  So proud!
 Except, if you are a student and steal his ipad...
But we still had a lot of really fun outings and Andrew was able to spend lots of time with the boys!
 Other than that, we are trying to survive potty training and a child who still gets up at least two times a night for a bottle...  Good times.  It is a good thing they are SO CUTE!
Miles flying his helicopter to take baby (on the back) to the hospital just like Grandma Robinson!  We live right next to a hospital that has TWO helicopters so he is loving it!

dolled up for church!  All pictures of Danny are a little blurry, sorry!  He is always moving!

Pumpkin patch/farm...Cow train!
3 babies DO fit in my truck!
Daniel always sleeps with Sawyer Bear

"I need to go POTTY!"

These kids would drive me crazy, but I luckily have great friends and family as well as a church that will give me work with other peoples' kids, ha ha!  I just got released from Sunbeams and will be starting my new calling as Primary Chorister on Sunday.  Wish me luck!

Thank you Wendy for sending Daniel such a beautiful blanket!  It works well for the fishing game and the boys all love it... see video below

I will post again after our grass is in and include more pictures of the house.  Until next time!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Summer is over!

What a summer!  I thought we were going to relax a bit but no, the entire thing was packed!  I have that same feeling you get after a vacation that was super fun and packed with activities:  I need a vacation from my vacation.  :)

So, to recap:  May Andrew started his new job (while still finishing up his Paradise Valley job).  And we went to Utah for our New Hire Orientation.  We had a wonderful visit with family!  June we found out our placement in East Valley in Mesa AZ, and we found a house closer to his new school, Desert Ridge High School.  July we moved to our new house...that was fun and stressful and crazy and wonderful all at the same time.  We are missing being closer to family but we absolutely love our new home.  It is perfect.  August Andrew started his new job.  That was fun and stressful and crazy and wonderful all at the same time...wait...basically that describes the entire summer.  Yay!  The boys are growing and happy so we are too :) 
Lu Lu Berry and Daniel having floor time!

Bike rides with Great-Grandpa Clarke during Utah trip!

Hanging out with Great-Great-Grandpa and Grandma Bird...and Ben :)

New Hire meeting in SLC...

...with this guy!

Hiking "Hole in the Rock" with Aubrie and Grammie


Building igloos with Aunt Aubrie for Preschool

Sealife Aquarium :)

Having fun together all summer!

Making progress :)

Swim lessons





Lots of sleeping this summer!

Phoenix Children's Museum

Phoenix Children's Museum has a great baby room!

Daniel was in heaven!

4th of July at the Celebration of Freedom

Happy 5th Anniversary in our new home - Yay!
Doing really well with food...

and coaching...

After a lot of coaxing...

Miles can smile too :)

And pulling up!  Eek!